The Goracle: A Dark Oracle Kit
Designed, Written, and Illustrated by Nick Ribera
The Goracle presents beauty found within death, mutilation, and gore. The illustrations are inspired by insecurities and weaknesses and spins them into positives and strengths. This transformative effect, focused on the darkness, is the backbone of this deck. As you explore tougher questions, you may discover strengths within that you did not know were there, or you may find opportunities for growth like seedlings sprouting from a crack in the sidewalk.
The imagery in the cards is inspired by scenes of death- some famous and some imagined. The black and white ink aesthetic is also inspired by the opposing interpretations that can be made from each card drawn. It is by acknowledging the existence of both that you can find your own grayness in the middle.

"It deals with real issues regarding the emotional and analytical side of things. It has truly become my favorite Oracle deck I own."
Base Cards

Your life is an open book, so much so that you are an attractive target for those who want to harm you or take advantage of you. Reflect on where you can be more guarded and try not to trust everyone you meet. This card also inverts the meanings of those that border it.
You have over guarded yourself and need to reopen your life to risk and opportunity. Not everyone you meet is trying to do you harm, so expect the best and don’t take it personally when people disappoint you. This card also inverts the cards that it borders.
About the Art
The idea for "The Inverted" was first and foremost to have a card that inverts those around it. Therefore, I also had to invert my color scheme and draw white upon a black background. I combined a few gruesome x-rays for the reference of my drawing. Because of it's special place in the deck, I decided to also make it numbered 0.

Loss of innocence, yearning for a time when there were no responsibilities. This refers to events from far back in the past, and the situations that molded you. Lasting effects of childhood trauma are also represented by this card.
A longing for the safety and security experienced as a child. A desire to return to familiar environments and familiar structures.
About the Art
Inspired by Tarot cards such as the fool and the 7 of Cups, I wanted to have something that represented childhood, innocence, and longing to return to your past. What made the most sense within the parameters of this deck was to honor Rosalia Lombardo, a famously persevered corpse of a child who died from Spanish Flu in 1920.

You are losing who you are as you assemble your own personality from the desires and traits of others. This is a warning that you are losing yourself. Don't let the fears of others become your fears.
You have a strong sense of self and are not overly influenced by those around you. You know who you are and your desires and wants are obvious to you.
About the Art
The 90's were ripe with bad serial killer movies, and one of the worst of them was "Resurrection," starring Christopher Lambert. The premise was a killer targeting people with the names and professions of the 12 Apostles. He takes a body part from each of them in order to recreate Christ. As bad as that movie was, the final image of the assembled body at the end of the film always stayed with me.

You must give up an addiction or a reliance on something that is hard to let go of. Despite this impending loss, you will be better for it.
You are now reaping the benefits of the hard work that you have recently sown. Make sure you don't take it for granted and try to reflect on the work and sacrifices you made to receive these blessings.
About the Art
This was made from a collage of a few photos. I wanted the woman on top to look remorseful at what she had done. to her lover

You are being affected by the will of another. Try to identify the source and assert yourself so you aren't taken advantage of.
Your actions, though powerful and assertive, may be hurting others. Try to think about how you are affecting those around you and if you can reach your goals while also assisting others in the pursuit of their goals.
About the Art
I wanted this card to act as a diptych with The Murdered. I ended up being inspired by a scene from "Showdown in Little Tokyo" from 1991.

Your actions, though powerful and assertive, may be hurting others. Try to think about how you are affecting those around you and if you can reach your goals while also assisting others in the pursuit of their goals.
You are being affected by the will of another. Try to identify the source and assert yourself so you aren't taken advantage of.
About the Art
I wanted this card to act as a diptych with The Murderer. I ended up being inspired by a scene from "Showdown in Little Tokyo" from 1991.

This is an indication that societal pressures are deeply affecting your ability to be happy. The outside influences are not good for you and are causing you distress as they are based on who you are expected to be and not who you actually are.
You have broken free of the expectations of those around you. You are forging a path forward based on the comfort you feel in your own body and aren't willing to be told not to be happy as you are.
About the Art
I wanted a depiction of traditional western Christian death, and I found a beautiful photo of a Catholic monk's open casket funeral. Similar to the Hierophant in traditional Tarot decks.

This card is usually an indicator that the adjacent cards are referencing someone very close to you. It denotes a partner or someone you see as your equal. Drawn on its own it predicts a strengthening relationship or impending closeness with another.
This indicates that the person referenced in the adjacent cards is someone unfamiliar to you or someone with whom you have only a passing acquaintance. This person in question may know you but to you they are a stranger. Drawn on it’s own it represents someone slowly pulling away from you.
About the Art
I initially tried drawing a couple holding each other while they both get stabbed through the heart, but I couldn't get it to work. I then remembered Van Eyk's "Ghent Altarpiece" and the big full bellies of Adam and Eve. Why not redraw that in a way that has them sharing each other's innards in a romantic gesture?

You are controlling or manipulating someone in your life. While you may view this as guidance, you are ignoring their free will and they likely resent you for it, even if it's not acknowledged.
Someone is controlling your thoughts and actions and not considering what’s best for you. What you may see as guidance may be a manipulation to achieve their own ends.

You are burdened by the weight of your baggage. Past decisions are keeping you mired down, retarding the forward momentum in your life.
Your recently dropped burdens are freeing you to advance and explore past the bounds of your previous boundaries.
About the Art
Initially I wanted to show a scene of pressing from The Crucible, but I couldn't get the illustration to look dynamic and be intelligible at the same time. While researching accounts of it as an execution method in America, I learned that it was also a common execution method in South East Asia, but with the use of elephants.

While the destination may not be one you intend, you can rest assured that you are moving by the power of your own will. You are deciding your own fate and making decisions that may be self destructive. Your goal is to find out if the desires you manifest are healthy in the long run.
Someone else has your best interests in heart and they are guiding you to a beneficial result. Try to identify this person and heed their advice.
About the Art
I had found this beautiful image of a topless woman leaving over the edge of a pool. I also liked the imagery of Catelyn Stark cutting open a woman's throat in Game of Thrones. I put those together to depict a woman slitting her own throat.

You are in pain, and it only gets worse as you struggle. Surrendering to the pain will be difficult but the only way through it is by keeping your head down and waiting for your chance.
Your trials are coming to an end, and you are being rewarded for your patience. Continue to see this through and keep your eyes open for the light at the end of the tunnel.
About the Art
This image was inspired by the first kill in "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre's" and acts as a translation of The Hanged Man in traditional Tarot decks.

You have become numb to the stresses of those around you. Your forward energy drives you through others like a plow. Their complaints are not heard by you. You may not need to address the requests of others, but you should spend some time to at least hear them.
You are an unwashed chalkboard, covered in the writings, requests, and demands of those around you. It is time you clean yourself of their stories and focus on writing your own.
About the Art
This art was inspired by one of the killers in "Hostel: Part 2" by Eli Roth. The meaning deals with sociopathy and a numbing of empathy.

Bad luck may be upon you, and you have no control over the whims of the world. While you cannot avoid the impending dangers, you can prepare for the worst so you aren't surprised when it happens.
A wave of good luck is heading your way. Open yourself up to these seemingly random occurrences. There is no intelligent guidance behind it, so just accept the benefits as they come.
About the Art
Not all events in our lives are predictable or pre-ordained. I wanted to have a card that shows this. I used photos of the scars resulting in lightning strikes as a reference for this piece.

Recent events have taken your mind off of what brings you joy. You are living a life of routine, and are in a daze. Take time to rediscover yourself.
Your time for self discovery is over, and you are starting to lose sight of the responsibilities in your life. Try to find the balance between work and play that will propel you forward successfully in all aspects of your life.
About the Art
If traditional Tarot decks have Death, then I just had to have one called Undeath.

You are in a very tight relationship with someone, and it is starting to border on codependency. Be wary of wrapping your life into someone's else's so tightly that you block the flow of your own energy.
Your self reliance is envied by those around you. People are noticing that you have a firm grasp of what you can do on your own and when you need to ask for help. Try to recognize your independence and celebrate it.
About the Art
I liked the idea of barbed wire around a couple. The idea that the only way to be comfortable is to hug each other tighter or to begin the difficult and painful task of unwinding the wire. It seemed like a perfect analogy for codependency.

Deep, unexplored desires will begin to manifest themselves in unexpected ways. Take some time to explore experiences that you would otherwise decline, if only to check them off your list. A life unexplored may be dangerous.
You are comfortable asking your partner for fulfillment, both sexual and emotional. Try to reflect on what brought you to such a place and celebrate this knowledge of your sexual self.
About the Art
Inspired by the murder ofCatherine Eddowesby Jack the Ripper, I wanted to have a counterpart to The Devil in traditional Tarot decks.

You are holding a secret, either your own or someone else's, and it is starting to tear you up from the inside. This stifled energy is harmful and needs to be let out. Find someone safe with whom you can discuss this.
You are untrustworthy when it comes to keeping secrets. Try to practice intermittent silence as to discern what should be kept and what should be let go.
About the Art
I wanted an image that described the power of keeping secrets. What came to mind was the well zombie from Season 2 of The Walking Dead, so I used that as the inspiration for this piece.

You are shedding your immaterial burdens, possibly as a result of a constant breaking of your own rules. You need to remain steadfast in your decisions based on morals or personal ethics to regain your footing and rebuild yourself from there.
You are free from material burdens. You value the intangible, such as relationships and trust. But you may be at risk of losing your financial freedom as a result.
About the Art
The idea for this card came from Doug Bradley's book "Behind the Mask of the Horror Actor," which explores how a history of wearing masks allows the actor to lose the ego and fall deeper into a performance. With that being the catalyst, I had to commemorate a scene from the 1960 French film "Eyes Without a Face."

Past trauma acts as a trigger for you, and it leaves a sensitive mark on your psyche that affects how others treat you as well as how you respond to them. Don't pick at the scab, let it heal.
You wear your heart on your sleeve. Be guarded but don't be ashamed. Others recognize your genuineness and will flock to it.
About the Art
A conversation with a friend about the baggage that everyone brings into a relationship was the catalyst for this card. I also thought it would be fun to play on the titillation of exposed side boob and make it sexy and gross at the same time. This is one of my favorite illustrations in The Goracle.

A Representation of intensity, this describes an exaggeration of the cards around it. On its own it could infer overindulgence, warmth, vitality, or abundance.
When inverted, this numbs the cards around it, reducing the intensity in which they should be interpreted. On its own it references meekness and drought.
About the Art
Another early illustration, I was inspired by Helen being burnt alive at the end of Clive Barker's "Candyman." I wanted to see the fatty tissue as her skin dries out and shrinks away from the layers beneath. This card also gave me the idea to have certain cards affect the meaning of those around them.

You have undergone extreme situations and are emerging as a weaker person. Your health, finances, or personal relationships have taken a hit and will take a long time to recover. Tread lightly and be cautious of the damage you wear.
You have undergone extreme situations and are emerging as a stronger person. Bent, but not broken. Turn your wounds into calluses and come back stronger than the fragile person you were before.
About the Art
This card was originally called The Transformed. I wanted to illustrate someone who bones are shifting and changing while their skin remains intact. The illustration ended up looking pretty dumb, so I rethought the idea of transformation and took it to mean the life that grows from our remains. I then used that tile for another card and rewrote this one as Rebirth.

An indication of an egress. You are leaving an environment. This card focuses on the exit, so it could be leaving home to travel or changing careers
An indication of an ingress. This explores the entering of a new environment, whether landing on new shores or learning new things in a recent career change.
About the Art
I went through three iterations of this illustration before settling on this piece. The idea of a woman penetrating a man by reaching through him was originally going to be another piece in my "Skull Woman" series, but it eventually ballooned into what is now The Goracle. The first iteration of it was the first illustration I did for this project.

You are being lied to by someone you trust. You are being gaslit and as you ignore your intuition it is beginning to grow in you like a cancer. Cut out the disease by being honest to yourself and to the one who is hurting you.
You may be unaware of it, but you are lying to someone you trust. You need to be clear about your intentions before the damage you are causing becomes permanent and hurts you too.
About the Art
I remember one of the producers behind The Game of Thrones saying that they wanted to poisoning of Joffrey to be as violent as possible. I wanted a similar image but didn't want it to be as spot on as that exact scene. I then decided to use an image of Charlize Theron as Aileen Wuornos in the film "Monster" as the reference.

Be wary of those around you, as they don't have your best interest in mind and it may be coming to a head in the near future. Alternately, this may represent you showing too much trust and a need for a heightened sense of security. Take a moment to identify your friends, enemies, and those who are indifferent.
You have betrayed someone else's trust. They counted on you to support them but you were nowhere to be found. If you want to salvage this relationship you must make amends and show sincere remorse.
About the Art
I searched high and low for images of Brutus stabbing Caesar in the back but none of them looked good enough to use a reference. So I simulated it by using a man in achild's pose, threw in some swords, and had the silhouettes of men in hats behind him. I wanted formal hats to make them seem civilized, despite the fact that they seem to have no qualms with murder.

Check in on yourself, alone, and away from others. You have forgotten your own desires, needs, and goals so you should take inventory of all that makes you who you are. It is time for inner exploration.
The time for self discovery is over. You must now pull yourself together and apply what you've learned about yourself to future decisions. Remember what your goals are and use them to inform what comes next.
About the Art
I wanted to make an image that resembled both a landscape and an autopsy. I found this image of an open chest cavity and loved how it evoked Hokusai's "The Great Wave."

You are at a crossroads, a large decision is in front of you and neither option seems easy or correct. Both will be a struggle and your ultimate destination is obscured in both directions.
You have chosen a path in a recent decision and your destination is starting to emerge from the fog. You begin to see your new home now and it is a natural progression of the road you traveled to get there. Ultimately, your goal is a reflection of the effort you expended along the way, so try to make the best of your hard work.
About the Art
For the model I used a photo of one of my favorite singers Me'Shell Ndegeocello. No deep reason other than I have often used her face some of my art, so I figured I might as well not break the trend. For the inside of her head I used a split head photo from theBodies exhibit. I thought this death was a little farfetched but it's still gory, provides for a beautiful image, and is a fun word to say.

You have forgotten your simple basic needs and have become too focused on the details. Try to focus on the big picture, your health, your sleep, etc, and the other elements will fall into place.
You have been going through the motions and are forgetting what makes life worth living. You need to think about adding more spice- go out, make new friends, find a new hobby. There is more to health than just the physical.
About the Art
I always loved how Dungeons & Dragons specified the wet undead (zombies) from the dry undead (mummies and Vampires). I wanted to lean into this dryness, so this illustration is based on photos of ancient Egyptian mummies.

The solution to your predicament is right in front of you, but something is obscuring your vision. Think about your problem and then meditate on possible solutions that you already have at your disposal, no matter how bizarre. You will not need to stray far to solve this riddle.
The simplest solution is the correct one. It may not be what you wanted to hear, and it may be a difficult process, but you already know the correct way to solve this problem so get to work. The sooner you start the sooner it will be over.
About the Art
This is the only card in the deck that is a self portrait. My wife didn't like it. It made her unhappy. Mission accomplished?

You have been experiencing a loss of energy. Whether it is through diet or depression, you have lost the will to live the life you used to. Those around you have noticed it and are starting to shy away. Return to what brings you joy and turn that joy into energy to pursue new adventures before you lose what you have left.
You are at peace or peace will be coming shortly. Surround yourself with those you love and enjoy the moment you have together. Enjoy the fruits of your planning while you can.
About the Art
With so many cards depicting violent deaths, I wanted one that showed the death we all want. Quietly, in our sleep, comfortable and without a care in the world.

Your creativity and freedom are being stifled. Meditate on your responsibilities and find the ones that are negatively affecting you. Think about ways that you can re-envision those responsibilities into activities that help exercise your creativity.
You need a grounding presence as you have lately become untethered. It's time to stop floating and find an anchor to tie yourself to. A plant needs roots to grow. Find your soil.
About the Art
This card was designed during a period when I was thinking of forms of death first and designing the meanings separately. Choking lead to a garrote wire, which lead to the split throat, which became this card.

You have forgotten something important to you or someone you love. Try to retrace your steps and find out what important item or responsibility has been lost.
You have recently found something long thought lost, or reconnected with an old friend. Nurture this returned article as if it had been newly acquired and rediscover who you were the first time you experienced it.
About the Art
I thought a card that hinges on the reader having forgotten something is a pretty safe bet. For the image I wanted a pile of unearthed bones. The idea being that an event of immense tragedy and violence will always be forgotten to time, no matter how much it affects those contemporaneously.

The lack of personal relationships you have is taking its toll on you. The coldness in your life is not imagined. Seek friendship, seek love, seek connections. Seek warmth, from any source. Also can be interpreted as an inversion of the Immolated.
When inverted, this can have an effect similar to the Immolated- exaggerating the effect of cards around it. On its own it can represent an acknowledgement of the many strong connections you have with those people in your circle. They provide warmth and love in your personal relationships.
About the Art
If The Immolated represents intensity and heat, I needed something to represent coldness and isolation. I found some images of frozen mummies and drew it to make it looks like he was lost in a cold frozen tundra, no warmth and no comfort to offer solace.

A strong piece of yourself has gone missing. Whether through death or divorce, you feel abandoned and forgotten. Like you were never valued to begin with. Try to find new value in yourself.
You have a new-found freedom and you must take advantage of it. You have been released from bondage so stretch, explore, and celebrate.
About the Art
This card was inspired by my mother and her own troubles with adapting to the death of my father. The loss of a partner, someone with whom you've chosen to share your life together is extremely hard, and in many ways it also means the death of yourself. This longing, loss, and refusal to move on is what informed my decision to use imagery ofVictorian Post Mortem death photography. The image is of a woman who wants to identify as a widow above all else, even when she herself is also dead.

This card represents your creativity. Your ideas, your imagination, your plans for the future. Alongside other cards it can also represent that the threats or targets of the other cards are all imagined. The effects they cause may be real, but the source of their power is in your head and not the physical will of others.
Inverted this represents the physical, the concrete, and the forces outside your control. It has the ability to help define the cards around it by providing more details on the source of the forces acting upon you.
About the Art
The imagery for this card comes from a scene in the Brazilian film "Bacurau." There's no deep meaning behind selecting this image- I just thought it was an impressive piece of special effects and prosthetics so I wanted to honor the work that went into it. For this particular card, The idea of an open mind came before I select this image as inspiration.

This card represents immediate love. Quick, passionate bursts of sexual energy. The current target of your attention may not last long, so ride this wave of desire and have fun along the way. Understanding what it is and more importantly, what it is not, will protect you from pain.
This card represents lasting loyalty. The dog face on the card is an indication of the partnership you've created with someone, imbued with the safety of reliable emotional connections. This indicates a healthy partnership is on the horizon or just beginning.
About the Art
I wanted a counterpart to The Open Mind, and The Open Heart just made so much sense. My college thesis revolved around Mexican Santos figures, so some of that imagery crept up here, replacing a stylized heart with the art from "The Heart" card and replacing the Virgin's face with a dog's skull as a symbol of loyalty and unconditional love.

You have been experiencing a loss of power or control over elements around you. This may feel emasculating or leave you weak. Find something you are good at and nurture it to regain this confidence.
Your power and strength is noticeable to others. It may make others feel weak and cause them to lash out at you, or it can be an inspiring motivator to others. Try to identify these people and nurture them appropriately without losing your own direction in life.
About the Art
I couldn't have The Vulgar without having The Castrated. It's only fair that both genders are equally desecrated.

Like a death of a thousand cuts, outside forces are whittling you down, bit by bit. Your best course of action is to heal faster than they can harm you.
Your words and actions are hurting others. Meditate on your positive interactions and your negative interactions. Nurture the ones that help and promote others.
About the Art
This card was inspired by the knifing scene in "Green Room." I had a visceral reaction to that moment, more than any other gory scene in recent memory, and this one wasn't even that bloody. The presentation of many shallow cuts was what triggered my empathy, so I wanted to commemorate it with this card.

The way you present yourself to others is enticing and attractive. But you will eventually attract someone who will covet you and try to take ownership over your body and mind. Be wary and try not to serve your flesh only to the hungry.
The lack of physical touch you give others is not only starving them but it's also starving yourself. If sex is a meal, then it is consumed by two. So find someone and ask them out to dinner.
About the Art
Cannibalism is always fun. The wife and I love Charcuterie boards, so I figured why not- let's make one of human flesh. The idea behind its meaning was similar to the Desiccated, but with more of a sexual connotation behind it.

You are stuck in place that you don't want to be. Travel and freedom of movement eludes you. Maybe you are afraid to go out. Spend time exploring your city, find new experiences close to home and slowly work your way out further with each adventure.
You are running away from your responsibilities. You are moving too fast and are not remaining still long enough to make any meaningful connections. Slow down and enjoy some moments of clarity before moving on.
About the Art
This card began as an interpretation of theFive of Pentacles in a traditional Tarot deck. The man on crutches in that card is what I leaned into. I wanted a sense of an inability to progress forward without making a real handicap seem grotesque. So what I settled on was a depiction of the hobbling scene in Stephen King's "Misery."

You've reached too high, over extended yourself, and misjudged your abilities. While the fall was harsh, you will learn from the experience.
You are taking a leap of faith. While the heights may be scary, be proud of yourself for exploring such a precarious space.
About the Art
The imagery in this card depicts Evelyn McHale, a woman who jumped from the 86 floor of the Empire State Building in 1947. The photo of her body on a car led her to be know as "The Most Beautiful Suicide." I wanted the act of jumping to your death to be present in this card, so this photo was the only choice. I particularly like how when inverted it appears as though she is floating above the earth.

You often feel forgotten, like your mark on the world hasn't been made. You wonder if those you meet will ever think about you after you leave. Spend less time thinking about your influence and make sure you remember yourself. In turn, others will too.
Your story precedes you. You are known by your deeds and rumors, whether true or not, are being shared. You have a persona that people expect you to fill.
About the Art
This was the original illustration for The Blood. But as I finished the other Accent cards, this one no longer fit in. The image is inspired by a scene from "Let the Right One In," which is one of the best vampire films ever made. It explores bullying and a child's desire to be more wolf then sheep. As I thought of a use for the illustration, The Stained came into being.

Your are an amalgam of the stories in which you've participated. Every part you've played is a piece of the puzzle that makes you who you are. If you find yourself confused by your own conclusions, explore your past to find the breadcrumbs.
The person you are now is not the person you will be. You have a whole array of adventures, decisions, and roles ahead of you. If you don't like who you are now, be assured that you will be someone else when the time comes.
About the Art
The idea for this card came from Kickstarter backer Jennifer, when she suggested False Alarm or Near Death as ideas for cards. From that I created The Survivor, inspired by the horror movie trope of a woman who survives all the tragedy that befalls her. After researching many horror movie endings to get inspired, I eventually realized that the act of surviving can easily be depicting by trudging through mud. So I ended up using some photos of theTough Muddercompetition for the inspiration.

You feel as if everything you do has no effect. You are weak, powerless, and incapable of climbing out of the rut in which you find yourself. Your efforts may not be noticeable now but every effort will eventually be rewarded.
Everything you do has an effect larger than you expect. You are starting to reap the rewards of your labor. Hard work is paying off now or will in the immediate future. Take note and appreciate the ladder you've climbed to get to your perch.
About the Art
Originally devised as a counterpart to The Immobile, this card also skews closely to The Castrated. The imagery is inspired by the batshit crazy films "Boxing Helena" and "Santa Sangre" - both about men who's egos are so fragile that they have to destroy the women they covet.

Your presence is a bane to those you touch- whether physical or emotional. Work on healing yourself before you push away those around you.
Your presence is a boon to those around you. Your laughter, creativity, and joy for life is infectious to people in your circle, so make sure that they aren't taking your energy away from you.
About the Art
To say COVID had no impact on the existence of this card would be a lie. I liked the idea that the violence is invisible to the human eye, but it's still out there, waiting for you, and you're unprotected from it.

You feel lonely- even if you are in a relationship, you don't feel fulfilled by it. Think about your love languages, what you need from another person, and don't be afraid to ask for what you want.
Soon you will meet someone that feels like they complete you. This person will be charming and fit your life perfectly. Be careful you don't lose yourself in them.
About the Art
This card began as the image; showcasing the dichotomy of soft, supple flesh and the complete lack thereof. From this image I designed the title and meanings to reflect it.

You are covetous of your creations. Once you release them into the world, they are no longer yours, and you must recognize that. Take ownership of your creations when you can and let free that which you can’t.
You are a god or goddess of creation. Your font of creativity is overwhelming and influences those around you.
About the Art
Maybe it's just because I am a man who has zero interest in having children, but I find childbirth quite unpleasant. I see no beauty here, but as beauty is all subjective, I knew some would appreciate it's representation in this deck.

You have not learned from your experiences. Others around you have changed, grown, and adapted to their new circumstances- all leaving you behind. Your rigidity may be impressive, but you will never grow if you don't embrace a change in yourself.
The change that has come to you has been immeasurable. You are nearly unrecognizable to those around you. Celebrate the new you- introduce yourself to the world and be proud of the metamorphosis.
About the Art
The Transformed was the original title for the card that is now called Rebirth. When I had the idea for this image of a woman crawling out of another woman's body (inspired by a scene in "Poltergeist 3"), I thought it would be a better representation of that title.

Things are not as they seem. The problem in front of you is just symptoms of a deeper issue. Try to view it from another angle and it should reveal itself.
Things are exactly as they seem. There is no deeper issue; these surface irritants are only surface deep. Attack each scenario head on, one at a time, and you'll eventually be through the storm and back onto calmer waters.
About the Art
As I research each card, I fill up a folder on my computer with reference photos. Many of them didn't get used in other cards, but I still wanted to draw them. I decided to assemble them into the flower of flesh and blood that is this card.
Accent Cards

The next card you draw must be interpreted through a lens of interpersonal relationships. The means your interactions with other people, and especially any family bonds.
The previous card you drew must be interpreted through a lens of interpersonal relationships. The means your interactions with other people, and especially any family bonds. If this is your first card drawn, invert and draw again.

The next card you draw must be interpreted through a lens of your core, unwavering beliefs. This means the principles that are deeply embedded in you or the tenets by which you live your life.
The previous card you drew must be interpreted through a lens of your core, unwavering beliefs. This means the principles that are deeply embedded in you or the tenets by which you live your life. If this is your first card drawn, invert and draw again.

The next card you draw must be interpreted through a lens of matters of the brain. This means intellectual pursuits, education, employment, plans for the future, and any recurring thoughts or dreams.
The previous card you drew must be interpreted through a lens of matters of the brain. This means intellectual pursuits, education, employment, plans for the future, and any recurring thoughts or dreams. If this is your first card drawn, invert and draw again.

The next card you draw must be interpreted through a lens of matters of the heart. That includes romantic relationships, wants, urges, and desires.
The previous card you drew must be interpreted through a lens of matters of the heart. That includes romantic relationships, wants, urges, and desires. If this is your first card drawn, invert and draw again.

The next card you draw must be interpreted through a lens of your breath and health. Think of your life force, those losing it around you, and those bringing more life into the world.
The previous card you drew must be interpreted through a lens of your breath and health. Think of your life force, those losing it around you, and those bringing more life into the world. If this is your first card drawn, invert and draw again.