To Have and to Holiday (2024)

To Have and to Holiday (2024)

Posted by Nicholas Ribera on

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To Haven to Holiday, Hallmark movie, Christmas, wedding planning, character development, small town dynamics, family relationships, movie review


In this episode, Nick and Leslie review the Hallmark movie 'To Haven to Holiday,' discussing its plot, character dynamics, and themes of family, love, and personal growth. They explore the charming yet complex relationships within a small town, the challenges faced by the main characters, and the humorous undertones of the film. The conversation highlights the movie's strengths and weaknesses, ultimately concluding that it is a delightful holiday watch.

Nick And Leslie (00:01.63)
Welcome to episode 20 to Have Into Holiday. I'm never gonna get tired of that jingle. It's a good jingle. You did a great job, Leslie. I love it. I'm excited to write new ones. Every now and then when she hears me editing, that little jingle will pop up and I'll see her head pop in the door of the room and start singing along. Yeah. Yes, there is editing. So, okay, I didn't see the trailer. Let's play the trailer. Play that.

trailer for To Haven to Holiday. Alright, now that you've seen the trailer, I did not see the trailer before having seen the movie. Neither did I. But when I queued it up I read the description and I was like, jeez this seems like a movie I'm gonna hate. Yeah, and you were like, do you want me read this description to you? And I'm like, nope, because I like going in open-minded. So it, the description said like, girl goes back to her small town and has to deal with an unimproving pastor of her father. And I was like, this sounds like

Horrible like a not fun thing to be in right and I gotta say this is my top three I This is gonna be a top five. It is so fun. It was fun. It was cute It kept me it kept me going so it starts in New York City our lead apartment Celeste really wants to be a fashion designer. It's a good question. How did she get that apartment?

No, it's not hers, it's his. So she's living with the guy? Yes, remember she had to give up her apartment because, excuse me, she couldn't keep a full-time job. She kept going from like contractor contract or was just only at that one fashion house and it was short term. And so she had to give up the job, I mean the apartment, but it looked like she had moved in with the boyfriend who was in marketing.

And that was his townhome, his apartment. It is at least a two story, overlooking, excuse me, some very nice views of the skyline. And she's saying that she's rushing out to go to the airport to meet, to fly home. We instantly fall in love with this guy. And because- In the beginning though, I thought he was a friend, not a boyfriend. you did?

Nick And Leslie (02:26.4)
He seemed a little gay in the beginning. But I started to believe him more as I like, this is in the first like three minutes, but anyway, sorry. I get it. You know, he's all excited. So he's a beautiful, thin, slender man. Yes. He's, he's nice. and, so he goes, I just took time off so that we could have Christmas together. She's like, but I am about to fly out in one hour. He goes, we're cramming Christmas in one hour.

And so he throws all these things where they're in cute onesies, they sing songs, they open up presents, eat pie. It's just like this cute one hour montage. It's adorable. And then he goes, you know, just don't want to spend Christmas without you. How about I go with you? And yeah, that was all sweet. I'm like, well, why did you say that in the beginning? I know it was really sweet. And so I'm like, only have, you already packed anyway? So that's Jason.

Jason so we're instantly in love with Jason and gets them first-class tickets to fly home I feel like any lesser actor would have made this movie terrible, but Jason is nailing it. good energy He's running on all six cylinders. Yes. He is a good He has great marketing energy that's not annoying Yeah, yeah, so then we go back to this small town of Everly which based on the B roll

freaking gorgeous. Gorgeous. That b-roll. is on like some coastal New Hampshire. Yeah. New Hampshire has no coast, does it? my god. I don't know. Anyway, some clearly coastal New England town that is just breathtaking views. Well, now you got me questioning it. Like what's the one that's not? I don't know. There's Vermont. Vermont? You gotta ask someone that lives in Connecticut.

Yeah, if you live in New England, let us know in the comments. Yeah. I mean, we just, you know, we got more coast than any other state aside from Alaska. I can't verify that. Someone fact check us, please. We have more coast than California. I just. We're in Florida. I didn't mean just our home. we're not even on a coast. OK, so beautiful town. Now, right off the bat, when we meet her parents, we realize how fucked up this town is.

Nick And Leslie (04:41.114)
Her dad is the pastor the which means everyone in town goes to one church, but yeah the we did see a shot There is three churches in a row. He's probably pastor of all. Yeah, but it's annoying that everyone calls him the pastor the pastor. Yeah, pastor was his name. I'm Mark Mark Mark or Mike Mark and then the mom Judith is the mayor is the mayor because The church is planning some big Christmas tree lighting and they have to get

hermits for the lighting and the fireworks and she's like I don't have your paperwork and he's like I thought I filed the B team with it the A teams like no you told the A team or anyway they messed up the teams and she's like well I'll see you at home and then like they kiss or something like walk away and we're like they're running this town I'm like I'm not gonna be a fan of them turns out I love the mom

mom's sweet. But with this setup it really felt like movies like the original Roadhouse where it's like this guy goes into the small town and finds out that everyone in this in this town is afraid of this one really powerful guy and everyone has to do what he says. That is what this felt like but with a hallmark overtone. With a hallmark overtone. town, this the dad specifically this town is

It's an amazing balance they did between making this be like a horror location, like something out of like get out where like it is fascism in true to form. And if you step out of line, then you are shunned from the town. Shunned. But still making it funny, charming and low. Yes. So a perfect example of this is Jason is trying to impress everyone in town and

He just beats a guy in darts at the bar. Yeah, he went to go get a drink and someone's like, play darts with me. He's like, OK, yeah, sure. His girl's talking to someone. So he sits the drink and they're just playing darts. Just in the background playing darts. In the background. Then at the end we hear him say, good game. Good game. Don't take it too badly. Yeah. And just walks over like, hey, guys. Just sweet. And then as soon as everyone finds out that he beat this guy in darts.

Nick And Leslie (07:05.014)
Like, no, don't they know you're supposed to lose to him? no, we're gonna be in so much trouble. Turns out this town has one mailman. One postal worker. That one mailman, when he loses and darts, mixes up everyone's mail for fun. Commits mail fraud. Federal crime. Yeah. I'm pretty sure in that, And everyone in town is mad at Jason, not the mailman. But I don't know if anyone... They had explained it to him by then, right?

Yeah. no. was Mark didn't know. The pastor didn't know what was happening. And he's like, why is the town like, what's going on? They're like, Jason beat the postman at darts. He's like, great. So now no one's getting their mail correct this week. We're like, what? by the way, they are there for three weeks on this Christmas trip. real quick, right before Jason and Celeste make it to the hometown.

There is a scene of the father, pastor, talking to someone, another male about Celeste's age at the church. And they're talking about the church and the work that it needs and with the permitting in regards to this Christmas tree lighting. And he's like, and so this man is like, so Celeste's on her way She was always happiest when you were around. And he's like, you know, don't know. Mark said to the man saying, like, you know, I really still don't know why you guys broke up. She was always happiest when you were around, like.

Okay, and the man's like, yeah, I miss her and he goes well, she'll be over Why don't you come over for dinner and so you can spend time with her and he's like, yeah, okay, we'll do that But What was the thing? I like there was something else was about to add to it Like the main just of the movie thrust like what happens at that dinner. No, no, I just meant like Anyway, so clearly the dad's trying to set. Yeah set her up

that's what it was. The dad goes, she's about to move home. She can't keep a job. She had to move the apartment. It sucks for her, but great for me. But great, we get to have her home. So stop on by. Put a ring on it. Did he say that? Well, I don't know. This man is the next pastor. He's like the assistant pastor. So clearly he holds standing with him and potentially could be the next heir of the pastor chair.

Nick And Leslie (09:29.526)
Alright, so she brings the boyfriend, surprises them, he's like, Hey, this is my boyfriend. And he's like, where do you plan on staying when you're in town? Where do you plan on And Celeste says, well, we were planning on him staying here. Yeah. And he's like, and then the mom's like, okay, we'll get you some shoes. Right in the basement, but they're don't move anything or whatever. And so the

so... Sorry, yeah, you go ahead. okay. Well, did someone just finish a boot camp whenever we... Yeah. There was another scene of the father who is the pastor again, like telling some other couple like, good job at the marriage boot camp or something like that. And you're like, my God, marriage boot camp. So what this dad does, you're like, well, how well do you know my daughter? How long have you been together? Was it three months or six months?

Three months. Three months that they had been together and he's like, I just knew it. felt he was when you know something and he's like, well, how well do you know or let's play this hot or cold game or like you rapid fire question lightning lightning. Lightning. he does that and, you know, answers questions, you know, like real quick, but also I feel like I'm missing something.

So this is where we first get a sense. They're all at dinner, the mom and dad. This is where I first get a sense that Celeste may be a problematic person. Yeah. The main girl. The dad says, we've got some problems with the roof at the church, so we're going to have to make some construction plans in the new year to fix some things. that's right. And she says, no. And he's like, why? The church I grew up in. She's like, I just always had dreams of getting married there. And he's like, well, we'll make it look the same. And she's like,

but it won't be the same building. And she's like about to have a breakdown at the table. Jason sees this and his reaction is, unless you want to get married before Christmas. And she's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. He doesn't even say it. He stands up and gets to one knee and she's like, my gosh. And he's like, yeah, Celeste, how about we? And then she just blurts out.

Nick And Leslie (11:43.678)
get married right before Christmas so we can be in it and he's like yeah if you let me talk and and she's like okay we'll say he's like slashed with me and then she again goes yes and it was on the surface it was very sweet the way that they were like finishing each other's sentences both excited about this plan but if you dig a little deeper it was him I felt like it was him trying to prevent her from having a mental breakdown so she does in my opinion need to grow up

It's it is I don't know. I think people shouldn't be married till they're 30. mean that okay There's this recurring theme that we were the dad keeps seeing her as a child Yes, and also flashbacks to her. feel like maybe it's a thing of him maybe keeping her a child so that too is like mentally the dad infantilizes her and so she expects results from tantrums. We are totally over analyzing it. Well, no, like I have a whole like symbolic thing about the church and their relationship in the crumbling

yeah. okay. So like this movie, it's like a little deep in ways. We also thought it was weird that someone would love their childhood so much. Again, different perspectives, you know, from how they came up. So the mom is all excited and the dad's like distraught, like what is happening at my dinner table with this boy? And so then the mom gives her engagement ring to them so that she, so, and it was so sweet. And the mom is so excited.

And she's like, this is so beautiful. As an actress, I loved everyone here. Yes, acting was great. I hated his character, but that made me like the actor. Correct, yeah. Even like the townspeople did a good job. Celeste was kind of boring. Yeah, she was just your, I don't want to say girl next door, but like scared.

So now they're like, we have planning to do. So yeah, so then they get to start planning the wedding. And then the dad's like, well, you two have to go to boot camp. Have to go to boot camp. It's a three week boot camp. and then his dad's like, how come you can be off of work for three weeks? What do you do? And he's like, I, you know, I'm a marketer. I work for all these. can work from home anywhere.

Nick And Leslie (14:00.662)
and also he has this nice jacket that he's wearing. really nice color. I don't want to he's always dressed up in a suit but you know he's just dressed nicely. He looks New York. Yeah he looks New York and like he has a nice jacket and then like the dad makes a comment of like it's a nice suit. Multiple people in town pick on him for having a nice jacket. And Jason's like I got it for my suit guy and Jason's like and then you know when people comment his sweater or his jacket he's like got it from my...

my jacket guy so like a lighting guy yeah and then so later on like you come across this pattern he's like things that he is able to get last minute like he's got a guy and so anyway so now they have to do a three-week boot camp and the next scene is like they're

So yeah, they're at the altar of the church because there's nothing else going on at this church except for this one couple's bootcamp. And most of these activities are Christmas themed, is a nice convenience and a leak in the ceiling that's slowly growing. so one of the things is like they ask you they ask questions or he asks questions to the couple that to answer the same time to see if they have similar answers. And one of them, one of the questions was if you had a million dollars spent on your partner, what would it be? Jason said, I absolutely know what this is.

I'd buy you your own fashion house so that you could design stuff. Celeste's reaction was, my God, why would you do that? You don't think I can make it on my own? And we're like, okay, here we go again with this irrational bitch. Right. And Jason so apologetic because he knows she's going to throw a tantrum. Later on, she did apologize for overreacting to that. I mean, so that shows, I guess, the maturity of the character growing.

Right and so that's why I'm like I understand there's character growth that has to happen so that's why. I so I think that's also that's also a reaction that someone who grew up with money would have.

Nick And Leslie (16:02.262)
because poor people know that you'll take any help you can get. I was about to say, I'm like, I'll take it. You'll take any, even if like, I don't need to prove shit to anyone. That's why I self-publish my own tarot decks and my own games. you know, unfortunately things also happen to our house and cars like in the hurricane. We were glad to have the FEMA money. We were glad.

Yeah, very that was like the first government money that we received from a disaster and in general we were happy to have it Yeah, so like please so that was weird Yeah, whole town is fascist but hilarious about it see one of the marriage council thing the marriage things that to do was she's blindfolded and driving a golf cart doing slaloms with

Snowman and it was cute. It was cute. She's the director and like left and right. That's on a big you have to do it in less than six minutes or wherever and they get down to like a minute 18 but that is a big golf cart that they were in that thing I'm sure books like 25 miles an hour. There was also a great moment where this wasn't part of the marriage counseling it just happened that three couples were at a bar like the parents them and then her friend

and they got called up by the DJ to do like a newlywed game. I feel like it also might have been like an engagement party. that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. So that was fun. That was a nice little scene of them making some cute jokes. And so they have, she has a friend that she was on the phone with in the very beginning of the movie who was pregnant. And so they were talking about the child coming home for Christmas. And so.

We meet this friend in person with a friend's husband and they apparently have like the top boot camp score at this church from Pastor Mark. So you see these friends throughout, they're very nice, they're cute as well with their did seem like they were the only two non-white people in town so they had to get married legally based on the town charter. Yeah and then there's this one white woman, she looked vaguely familiar like I've seen her in some sitcom. old lady? The old lady. And she is just the rumor spreader.

Nick And Leslie (18:18.678)
She is the fire there. Part of the boot camp too happens multiple times. Pastor Mark tells them to both at the same time admit like their deepest, darkest secret to each other or admit something they haven't ever admitted to someone. Multiple times he does that and each time he says that's not good enough. And I'm like that is the problem with religion right there. Is pastors, they invented the whole idea of confession so that they can blackmail you into staying in the church.

And that's all he wants is just dirt on them so that they're worried that this other person who knows their secret will You know keep it so that they need to keep going to church And he apparently is doing like really hard boot camp things of like building the gingerbread house That's one of their that's like their second task when they were that should their dream home build their dream home out of gingerbread but

They're supposed to do that on like their third week. And so the moms catches on that Pastor Mark, the dad is being a real, he's trying to sabotage the marriage, not the wedding, just their relationship. And the mom's like, cut it out. You're being ridiculous. And I like that she notices right away and talks to him. But does Pastor Mark want to listen to anyone, especially a woman? No. So, I mean,

Jason and Pastor Mark do have a really nice heart-to-heart at a bar. They go drinking But it's eggnog. They have like six seven rounds of eggnog. That's a lot of eggnog. then At one point Jason says on his way to the bathroom He says it's true what they say about eggnog. You don't buy it. You just rent it. Yeah, and so like He's gonna go shit up go shit yourself or pee? But I'm like with that much. Or throw up eggnog.

that's so much eggnog. We got horchata. We have horchata. You made horchata. With a little PSO in that, bitch. And I was like, I don't want coffee. want horchata. Ooh, it's like pancakes. Or waffle. I want semolina. And then so...

Nick And Leslie (20:32.278)
Then we start to realize that Pastor Mark forgot a whole bunch of shit. he's like falling apart. wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,

So Jason came in, solved the problem, and Pastor Mark got mad at him. Mad In front of the whole town. He's like, I can't believe you went behind my back and didn't tell me. I spent all day trying to find lights. And then again, the mom was like, Editing wise, it looks like within five minutes of Jason finding out, he got the lights. anyway, like he did something nice. And then the mayor called him out. Like, why are you being such a piece of shit husband? Piece of shit husband. Godly man.

Anyway, so was like the next day is when they had the eggnog because he told, cause the comedy, yeah. Like, yeah, I got a lights guy. He's like, you got a guy for everything. Don't you? And then, he goes, okay, sir. So the reason like I have a guy is because I have good friends and we're all helping one another. It's inside joke that we call each other. Like I have a guy, he's an electrician, like my friend, he's an electrician and he's really good at it. And he's has a light store.

I have a friend who did this and I had a friend, you know, this is his jacket and he like tells him about his friend died unexpectedly and so he always wears this jacket and you know the inside joke and it's something so sweet and it's like, you know, don't assume you're make an ass out of you. Yeah. And then it's also during this conversation where like towards the end of it Jason says like, maybe you'll be able to come up and visit us in New York City and I'll show you like the Rockettes.

Maybe we'll have a nice bigger house at that point. Who knows if we end up in New York or not Yeah, all Mark heard was they're moving to New York all he heard and he gets so pissed He makes it even worse. He makes it worse. my gosh, and then there is this and then a Whole bunch of shit went on. I remember why Celeste ran out of the house. Well real quick Yeah, so Celeste, you know, they're also wedding planning at this time. So something that they're doing is getting flowers She always wanted these like

Nick And Leslie (22:53.366)
white lilies or some type of flower. This is a weird thing. And they were like, no, we're, we don't have any of those flowers. And someone else, bought them for me for their wedding. so was like, went through like three florists. I have no idea. Someone and someone. And so she calls that florist, Celeste does, and suggests this other flower that her florist was suggesting. And the wedding planner was like, well, let me go ask and see it. They'll change all of a sudden.

all their flowers and they did. And she felt so assertive that she wanted to try her foot again at the fashion house that she was at because she couldn't get the confidence to go and speak to the lead designer, the CEO to show her portfolio. So all of a sudden she got this courage to go out on her own and do this limb and was able to get her portfolio sent to the fashion house.

And so like her fiance sees it and he's like, look at her grow. but in another scene, they are wedding dress, shopping and the woman that has the one, the one dashery clothing store in town, she used to work for and apparently got her that internship. have no idea how, but this old woman's like, I can't sell you a wedding dress right now because I'm old and

need to retire and my arthritis is acting up. I can't hold a needle. So later on at one of the fittings she goes, you know, was hoping that you would take over this store for me. You don't have money to take over this store. It's so funny to think that old people think that they built something that needs to exist past them. Right. Yeah, exactly. So it didn't laser tag in that building or something. And the place did not look amazing at all.

But you know, so that's something that pulls on her heartstrings to stay in town. You know, she doesn't know what to do, but also if my partner was doing quite well in life on, and they could very much so support us independently, I wouldn't be staying in that town necessarily. And also you can own two homes. Yeah, anyway. town. She has no siblings, so she's gonna own a home eventually. Own a home eventually there, but like you...

Nick And Leslie (25:16.182)
You can still go live your life and move around. You you stick in one place the entire time. We most likely will, but that's... Eventually we'll get kicked out of Florida. Eventually we'll get kicked out of Florida. squeezed out. Yeah. Like a turd. Anyway. I don't want to keep looking at my notes. I'm out of notes. I only like four books. was just quite a festive movie that gave us good feels. so, okay. So then something makes Celeste mad. She runs away, goes to the church.

Because the dad says something to her. Okay, yeah. So she goes to the church and she gets confronted by her ex-boyfriend, the pastor in training. And of course that's when Jason walks in, sees them hugging, and then he runs away. For some reason he runs away. And we're like, please don't tell me Jason's gonna think that. You're too There's five minutes left to the movie, so you know it's not really gonna be a plot point.

Well, so Jason's like walking around cooling off and then runs into the friend that is pregnant of Celeste and she's like so pregnant she's giving birth or she's her water's broke. She's like, I can't get a hold of my husband. He's not answering his phone. fell down the drain. so he jumps into action, grabs the antler from like a decoration from a cute decoration and he hooks the keys and then like gets her to the hospital.

so that she can deliver the baby. And so it's something exciting. But Jason couldn't get to Celeste to say, hey, I apologize because he was helping a friend who was pregnant having a baby. so he's like, Before we find that out, Celeste goes back home and is like, well, dad, you got what you want. Jason saw me hugging my ex, and now he ran off and no longer wants to marry me. And there's a lot of assumptions happening right here. what's also funny is she ran after Jason.

steps behind. don't know how all he did was walk. Would he like walk like Mike Myers that fast? I don't know. It was interesting that they did not catch up. anyway, like fall back. Anyway, so yeah, they have the issue with the dad and the mom is upset at the dad too. Like you were being a dick and look what you did now. Like you've, you've strained the relationship with your daughter. And then in the meantime, the ceiling of the church collapses.

Nick And Leslie (27:38.944)
Just like their relationship. So then when they do meet at the hospital, says to, Celeste says to Jason, I'm so sorry, it wasn't what you thought. And he's like, well, I don't give a shit about that. You think I'm so insecure that I think you're making out with your ex? I thought that was funny. But he did run away when he saw that. I think he was just like, I can't get anything right. Or just like, why didn't she come and

Talk to me. I'm my God, we didn't mention his parents. Jason's parents show up in the movie for the wedding. that's right. They were so fun. That's what it was. I was like, there was something about the last boot camp that they did. And it was when you were supposed to have disgruntled guests come over for Christmas dinner. that's right. And the dad was just evil and so mean. bashing their, like all of a sudden they're made to-

prepare an entire Christmas dinner like last minute for the family coming in. And so they're faking being disgruntled guests. And But what's great is in every instance, Celeste and Jason are doing so well together as a good. Like the cooking in the kitchen. Excuse me, the decorating. Perfectly complementing each other's weaknesses and strengths. Exactly. Talking to the guests.

They're being good hostess for never hosting I'm sure before let alone you know Christmas dinner so everything's going smoothly you know for them and his parents are having a fun time you know pretending to be disgruntled like this is not cold enough for us or you know like you're not festive here we brought some sweaters for you guys so they were cute about it. Celeste's mom was like when she walks in just you know I'm vegan now so everything better be vegan and right before they eat she's like

I'm no longer vegan, so we're all good. They're like, we found some like soy base and she goes, no, I don't want it. She'd say, she's like, no, I don't want that. And they're like, okay. And like they're nice. So like, yeah, I'll go get you some ham. And then so they're playing along with it. Dad's being a dick and then is like, you're not cutting the ham, right? I'll cut it for you. And he's like, this is bone dry. What did you do? And the mom's like, you're no longer playing. Like you're being mean. And then like the parents on the side of Jason, they're like,

Nick And Leslie (29:58.454)
Is he still acting? like this is like we're getting uncomfortable like they're and they did a good job like this. We don't feel comfortable doing this anymore. Did they also remind you of Sierra's parents?

okay. Okay, anyway. So, and then that's when the dad like, burts out loud about like, well, you're not staying in town and you're moving. and Jason's, Celeste is like, is this true? You told my dad that we're moving and staying in New York? He goes, no, he just assumed that I just talked about

a vague situation if we got a bigger place in them visiting. That was it. And she's like, dad, why would you? And so everything blows up, but then comes together and so Christmas morning we have a beautiful shot. Beautiful. Jason is wearing a onesie like a Rudolph onesie wakes up Celeste because they're in different rooms and

Golden light is coming in through the window through the window. We see like the dock going out to the sea or to a lake It's gorgeous. I've never seen I've never seen a morning or an evening shot in a movie It's always night or midday. Yeah, and also that was the first time I seen like the bedroom So like they clearly they didn't need that repeat shot. It was very nice Yeah, and so he wakes her up. He's like, hey, I heard

Something along the lines of, little birdie told me there's some presents downstairs that need to be opened. That was so sweet. Just seeing the moments of them together was really nice. And so they go downstairs and the mom and dad are there and they're like, hey, we have a present but it didn't fit under the tree. Or is the mom said It was the two moms. It was his mom and her mom. Okay, so we need to put blindfolds on you and walk you to it. we didn't mention the whole church collapse.

Nick And Leslie (31:58.966)
no, you did mention it. did, just like the relationship collapsed. they walk them outside, they're wearing coats over their onesies and they go over... gingerbread onesies too. Gingerbread. I want some. I want. So, they walk them to the... They said it as if it something that had been announced multiple times in the movie. They're like, the blah blah club. pause. So, something good that we see with Jason in marketing. Celeste Friends, her... that husband...

is a woodworker and so like has made Santa snowman's little array of gifts that you can get. So JC makes a comment about at his market booth at this event hall saying, hey, if you put this snowman first because of this variety and move this here and that instead of saying, you know, handmade because it sounds like a child, just say, you know, crafted by and he goes, you know, it'll step up your game. And so like they make the adjustment and all of sudden he sells like some snowman.

He's like, you know, you're talking about marketing, man. So that's how like they connect. And again, everyone gets along and it's a little hoop. So this is the same location. Yes. So this is some event hall that they've come, they've gone to a few times. Yes. And so the family has, or the town. It's called like the ocean club or something like that. And everyone in the town is like in love with Celeste as like acting like their granddaughter or their sister. everyone does like Jason too. He keeps constantly helping people throughout town. Yes. Being very helpful.

And so they dressed up the place very lovely and adorably. And they surprised them like, we're, yeah. They surprised them with like, hey, we have a wedding for you. You're going to get married. And it is a beautiful setup. It's like ocean themed, but Christmasy everywhere. lights. And it was a wonderful ending to them. Yeah. Hallmark, you did a great job in the scene decorating, working with Balsam Hill, as well as even their hair, wardrobe, all the decor.

Weird product placement in the beginning when Jason got her slippers. He's like, look, I got you slippers and close up of some brand on a box and he pulled them out. Like they were cute, but yeah, didn't care about slippers. We thought there was gonna be more to it. So that is it for my notes to to holiday is a must watch. Yeah. Right now this is my number two. Wow. Yeah. I still like five year Christmas party better because it did more.

Nick And Leslie (34:25.448)
adventurous things in its storytelling. I think I'm it might be a tie for the Jingle Bell run for me. my god. Sorry, Celeste gets a job at the fashion house. So they're going back to New York. They're going. That was something we had like bet on in the beginning of the movie. Like is she going to stay in the town or is she going to go back? said she's going to stay in the town, but I hope I'm wrong because I really would like Hallmark to do something different to which they did. And he said that they would go back to the city.

I love that a pastor was the villain. love that a pastor was the villain. Yes. Yes. For writing, I gave this a seven. Acting seven, directing seven. So like this is going to be pretty high up in my list of movies of the year, not just Hallmark movies. chemistry on meter six. I think it was all on Jason's side. He, like any actor, any actress in that role, I would have believed Jason was in love with them because he's so good.

Celeste is just boring as fuck. Are your ears still popped? A little bit. Am I too loud? You're a bit loud. I'm like, man. Blew my nose really hard. Yeah, I heard the pop from the bathroom 15 feet away. So yeah, that was to have into holiday. We've got three more coming up in a couple days. Yes. Yes. If you are in America, happy holiday. I mean, happy Thanksgiving. anywhere else, happy holidays.

Yeah. All right. Thanks everyone. Bye.

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