The Inverted and the Launch of the Kickstarter

The Inverted and the Launch of the Kickstarter

Posted by Nicholas Ribera on

The idea for "The Inverted" was first and foremost to have a card that inverts those around it. Therefore, I also had to invert my color scheme and draw white upon a black background. I combined a few gruesome x-rays for the reference of my drawing. Because of it's special place in the deck, I decided to also make it numbered 0.


Your life is an open book, so much so that you are an attractive target for those who want to harm you or take advantage of you. Reflect on where you can be more guarded and try not to trust everyone you meet. This card also inverts the meanings of those that border it.


You have over guarded yourself and need to reopen your life to risk and opportunity. Not everyone you meet is trying to do you harm, so expect the best and don't take it personally when you are disappointed in people. This card also inverts the meanings of those that border it.


It is currently day 7 of the kickstarter, and not only have we funded, but we have also hit the first stretch goal, which unlocks the magnet -style box. Please make sure you follow along at and pledge if you want to receive the deck. I also have a bunch of social media posts that when shared, will help unlock more cards in the deck. So even if you don't plan on pre-ordering it through kickstarter, simply sharing those posts will be a huge boon for those who do want a copy.

Thank you and we'll chat next week :]


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