Art for Profit's Sake

Art for Profit’s Sake is a series of discussions with artists working at different stages of their business. It explores the entrepreneurship, successes, and failures that all artists go through when...

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37: Hallmark and Hang with Leslie Haas - Sense and Sensibility

37: Hallmark and Hang with Leslie Haas - Sense and Sensibility

In this conversation, Nick and Leslie review the Hallmark movie Sense and Sensibility. They discuss various aspects of the movie, including the representation of black...

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36: A Focus on Output with Horror Painter RF Pangborn

36: A Focus on Output with Horror Painter RF Pangborn

RF Pangborn discusses his transition from commission work to finding his own style, the exploration of different art mediums, and the challenges and benefits of...

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35: Catching Up with Writer, Game Designer, and Publisher Zac Goins

35: Catching Up with Writer, Game Designer, and Publisher Zac Goins

In this conversation, Chain Assembly and Zach discuss various topics related to conventions, marketing strategies, and crowdfunding platforms. They talk about the transition to a...

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34: The Art Festival Circuit with Painter Margaret Baker

34: The Art Festival Circuit with Painter Margaret Baker

Margaret discusses her paintings that evoke warmth and nostalgia through found photos. She explains her preference for vernacular photography and the emotional connection she feels...

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33: Putting in the Work with Comedian Sean Jordan

33: Putting in the Work with Comedian Sean Jordan

Comedian Sean Jordan discusses his journey in stand-up comedy, from starting in Sioux Falls to moving to Portland and LA. He shares his experiences in...

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32: 2024 Oscars Predictions with Artists John Gascot and Christopher Rich

32: 2024 Oscars Predictions with Artists John Gascot and Christopher Rich

The conversation covers various topics related to movies and TV shows, including favorite series of 2023, movies and TV shows to look forward to in...

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