The Five Year Christmas Party (2024)

The Five Year Christmas Party (2024)

Posted by Nicholas Ribera on

You can view or listen to the episode here.


Five Year Christmas Party, Hallmark movies, character dynamics, romantic comedy, holiday films, career struggles, family relationships, movie reviews, holiday themes, character development


In this episode, Nick and Leslie review the Hallmark movie 'The Five Year Christmas Party,' discussing its relatable characters, engaging plot, and the emotional depth of the story. They explore the dynamics between the main characters, their career struggles, and the impact of family relationships on their lives. The conversation highlights the film's romantic tension, character development, and the overall themes of dreams and aspirations, culminating in their ratings and reflections on the movie's significance in the holiday film genre.

Nick And Leslie (00:00.952)
Welcome back to another episode of Nick and Leslie review happy holiday movies on the Homework Channel. Leslie, Nick and Leslie. Don't you just love that theme song? I can't get over it. You did a good job. it so much anyway. Okay, so this is our seventh episode, our sixth holiday movie, because we started with that Valentine's release earlier in the year, which made my numbering system a little bit more complex than I would have liked. But moving on.

So this movie is the Five Year Christmas Party. So let's play that trailer.

All right, what are your overall thoughts on the five-year Christmas party? I've got to say, what a delight. this, top tier, top tier. This could potentially be my number one. Yeah. my goodness, gosh, Jolly Golly. I loved it. It's so good.

that it is no longer in the Hallmark movie category. It's, Hallmark. You did a fantastic job. It might not even qualify for one of your movies. The characters, like, so it's centered around young people. Not necessarily young professionals, but people fresh out of college, still trying to figure out what to do with their lives. And who knows? I've never felt, I know I just interrupted you, but I'm like, wow, how relatable.

Yes! Of a character as they are. And it's sprinkled with really good jokes. right in the beginning, so, alright, our main characters, we've got Alice Mitchell, the main female lead. by Katie Finlay, who I loved in one of last year's Christmas movies. The... Sorry, our bucket list? That was the theme of it, but it was like the Christmas list? Something about a list in Christmas, yeah. Our dog just shook the table, so sorry. Yeah. Our video's rattling.

Nick And Leslie (01:57.496)
And then there is Max, the boy. Lisa is the teacher and Daphne Day is a famous actress that shows up towards the end. But the plot is, it's very when Harry met Sally. It is a Christmas party, five years in a row, I guess. That's what I'm bad with. Well, it's basically people coming home for Christmas, five years in a row.

and, you know, we all had those seasonal jobs at some times, and even can still occur, you know, throughout our, you know, times of needing extra money. And sometimes there's a nostalgic feel apparently to that. But I guess that also comes with having a happy, healthy workplace. then, like it's five different scenes. Each one is a year later and it is these two characters catching up on their lives. And,

So the first scene is right as they're about to graduate from college. Alice Mitchell just put on like a small school production of an indictment on capitalism, reinterpretation of the Christmas Carol. And I'm like, that's adorable for like a Hallmark movie to say an indictment on capitalism because that's, know, Hallmark exists as the most unnecessary product line in the world.

And right off the bat her and Mac, so this is the first time they've like talked ever since they've been in college. He's an actor. She's a producer director of plays and They have the hottest chemistry. It is not the first time that they talk The point is that they had been in the same drama department for the last, you know three years and they barely have spoken and You know one thinks it's the other that doesn't want to talk to the other. So they just don't speak until

until this Christmas party where they meet on the roof and it does look actually cold like real snow. yeah, it's, you know, it's fake snow falling, but it's something falling and hitting their shoulders, hitting their head, getting in their way. It's so it's funny. It's from the trailers of this movie. I was like, those two totally don't have chemistry. I think he's gay. But in this scene, they have hot chemistry.

Nick And Leslie (04:19.512)
And the rest of the movie is them pretending they don't have chemistry because it's a long-distance relationship They only see each other on holidays. So that just well is good Yeah, and they definitely established that they will only be friends because they are looking at you know Trying to figure life out and not you know, they want to focus on their careers. Yeah. Yeah, and so yeah that was the first scene that beautiful kiss. It was steamy She gets excited that

And by the way, we're only saying she as the character, not as the actress since they... Finlay is... Identifies as they. As they according to IMDB. According to IMDB, which we, you know. Maybe IMDB just as they by default. in case. Well, we do not mean to disrespect anyone. We... The actress we... That ding needs to not happen again. So, okay, sorry.

Would the proper term be actor? Also, I don't know. just, what's the difference between actor and actress? One is female and one is not. my gosh. I've never come upon this before. Really? Yeah. Well, you know, don't watch a lot of movies like, well, there's also always debate. Like it's sexist to have like a best actress category. my gosh. See, what do I say? Best actor. Okay. Just say actor the entire, why didn't you correct me? All six of these going in. Well, most people are okay with it. my gosh. But I feel bad.

I didn't so Alice Mitchell the female character she why does she only have a last name max I didn't write down max's never get max's last name. Yeah anyway max power So she really wants to get a job at the theater where she I guess put on the production Which is run by her teacher Lisa? So in this first year

Is it community theater level? Yeah, I guess. Because it sounds like all they basically have employed is the like theater director, theater assistant director, and like a stage manager. So she really needs a job and she needs money because her mother's no longer going to be able to help her pay rent where she is in college now that she's out of college. And so she's like, okay, I need to get a job. And so she runs through the theater to try and get a job and they're like, best we can do is give you volunteer hours.

Nick And Leslie (06:46.028)
And she's like, I'll take it. And then she gets a job at a catering company, which turns out to be run by Max's sister. And so this is the first of the Christmas parties. Well, I guess technically it was the graduation party, but all of the subsequent Christmas parties are- a graduation party. It was the after the show party. okay. Well, all of these subsequent Christmas parties are both ones that they are catering as well as the party that the caterers have afterwards.

to celebrate them seeing each other again after a year. I mean, just all in all, it so much fun. What is this? I wrote, huge tree. yeah, so she takes home the tree as a decoration and they have another really cute It's a fully decorated Christmas tree that's like 12 feet tall. So it's actually like the catering is really an event space. It's an event space. And a catering company. And a catering hall. So like they host parties in the location as well as at other

people's homes. Fable and feast. I thought it was really sweet that she has a with her friends and her roommates they have what they call a thought that counts Christmas where they have to give each other really cheap gifts that are meaningful. I thought that was really sweet. Okay so I'm so sorry are you done going over the plot? just talking about things now? yeah sorry. Okay. Was there something I missed from the plot? Well no I just wanted to make sure that you were

were done. didn't want to interrupt. Yes. Okay. Cause then we, yeah, we can start talking about things we like. Yeah. Okay. What are some things you like? my, you organized by year. yeah. So snow was fantastic. yeah, you know, Alice's mom was losing her bookstore and whenever she, you know, they, talked about how like, Hey, I can't help pay for tuition and rent and things like that. And you know, Alice's is very understandable and

in regards to you think so she's like, yep, gotta go find a job. And then yeah, so that year one, when she talks to Max, like, like it, I've never related so much to a Hallmark character. When Alice is talking to Max saying that she has barely spoken to him these years, whoops, wrong part. It's interesting that Alice didn't have a dad and that never came up. yeah. Max didn't have

Nick And Leslie (09:11.352)
Either parent, no Max did have a mom. And also didn't have a dad that never came up. No, he had a dad. Okay, we saw the dad at the end. anyway, I'm jumping ahead. So that's like year three. So that's what confused me. I wrote reenactment. What did they reenact in year one?

Any idea? think I remember they had to do some kind of. year one. Okay. So this is what happened. They were at, they were doing a catering gig at the fable and feast with the attorney's office and everyone kept rolling their eyes and the attorney asked them to be dressed as carolers. I don't know why we're reading, but okay. We still talk about that. So.

You're true. Yes. Okay, then I have no idea what you're talking about. Do you want me to keep going or no? Yeah, keep going. Okay. So anyway, and the Carol and the office attorney people are like, we expected them to actually sing and be Carolers and like, and we expect that now. So they had to quickly come together and they threw, you know, a crappy little deck, the halls, which they knew would be very crappy because they were not supposed to be doing that. And that really annoyed me.

Like I get it, but it's also, it is a thing where people think that just because they're a server, they can do whatever you ask them to do or demand for them to do as like working citizens. And it, frustrates me. And, you actually do see it in day to day life and I hate it. And you have to correct those people. So, in year two, when, Max and Alice meet up again, they're talking about how their year has been. There's a hot chocolate stand.

there was? Yeah, there was. it looked just like the chestnut guy. I don't know how I missed that. Maybe I was in the kitchen or something. No, you weren't. You were right next to me. OK. Because you didn't call it out. And was like, guess we don't care. So, so I think it was in year two they meet up and they're talking about how it's been. Had he already moved to L.A. yet? Yes, he was in L.A. This is the part I was bringing up and I was bringing up too early.

Nick And Leslie (11:19.67)
Yeah, so okay, I'll bring it up. Tell me how their first year went. my goodness. The cutest montages happen in between each year. All the seasons change. Yes, and it rotates between, you know, beautiful transitions of like crossing between things, zooming in. Alice gets her years and then Max gets his couple years. So it's like two and two they each get and it goes between, you know, spring, summer, fall, and then we're back at winter.

but it could be like on a little street corner that they're doing it, like passing by the bodega that's around the corner between the work and her apartment, things like that, as well as him in LA going from say it's like audition to audition. but they're cute. They're bubbly when they're doing it. but I knew that the camera transitions were really good and how they, know, a bouquet of flowers like flashed in front of it. it's like, bam, fall happened.

Yeah, and their outfits change like when it's summer, like Katie's wearing little short shorts. yeah. Yeah. And they're the wardrobe. throughout the entire time. Everyone looked dressed beautifully, beautiful colors, tones for their skin, everything, as well as, you know, accented. It felt like the whole crew was young people.

Well, I mean, the mom and the daughter, not the cast. I mean, crew, whoever did the clothing, whoever did the hair. yes. The writing, the writing, the set directing writers. It like it didn't feel like old people trying to relate to young people. Exactly. It felt like young people telling a story about young people. It really, it really did. And even though they potentially are a few years younger than us. but there are things that kept it more relatable.

Especially cause this was the year when it came out that, Alice, no longer was volunteering at the theater that she wanted to be, you know, a paid employee working at because her student loans started racking up as well as her mom not being able to help her. Excuse me. she needed to work more. And so she needed to work more. And so she had to pick up more hours at the catering company, which helped her.

Nick And Leslie (13:42.082)
Well, she had told Max differently. She told him that things are going really well. I'm referring, yes. So the conversation I'm about to inform you of is that she goes and apologizes because she happens to run in at a catering gig. The, her old teacher slash the director of this like community theater place. And she apologizes for basically ghosting them. And she's like, you know, life happened. I'm so sorry. had.

I had to pay bills and I, I feel like a failure. Like I failed you and you failed your dreams. And like I could most definitely cry right now if I wanted to, because whenever I went out of college, I, my masters is in library and information science, and I didn't get to pursue that the way I wanted to because the pay was lower compared to doing

like marketing at a skilled nursing facility and assisted living, like that paid much more compared to working in a library in which I couldn't get a job. I had to volunteer and I didn't have student loans. I did have a lot of scholarships and I did work three jobs going to school. My parents did not pay for my college, so it was hard and I didn't get to do those internships that I wanted to because

I couldn't take out student loans. wasn't allowed to. And so not being able to obtain that and have to go a different path, like you feel like a failure and then actually being able to like tell that to the person that you didn't want to fail and but yet you ghosted them at the same time. And then for them to understand and you actually help them out in a situation through that paid job too. Like she

basically did a performance, Alice and Max did a performance at a catering gig, which helped that theater get a fantastic donation from the couple that was hosting the Christmas theater. And she was able to obtain a very low paying job in which she was still able to do the catering business. So it's things like that. Like, my gosh, Hallmark. Damn. Damn, you hit the heart. It's like, it starts with

Nick And Leslie (16:03.532)
the characters have so much optimism about their future. Then this first year, they are very depressed, lying about where they are in their careers to try to impress each other. And you give them just this slight glimmer of hope because they were able to entertain this crowd as caterers that resulted in the theater getting more money in order to hire her as a part-time person.

And you just see like her face light up and glow because she's like, I actually did something that resulted in me taking control of my career. And it was just, it was a beautiful moment. It was, it was. Yeah. Yeah. Call Mark Fuzzy's. And then so, next year, more montages when we come back, we find out that, year three Max has done a national ad. Wait.

There was the ad yeah, okay, that's right. Yeah. Yeah. gosh. Yeah in in your Year one Max said he's been doing lots of small roles, but nothing big but then he ends up saying the truth is he hasn't gotten anything But then when we come back for year two, there's a national ad He is playing an elf in some type of commercial and everybody recognizes him. He's also a short king I wanted to call this short king Christmas. He's a short but his voice

That's what I wanted to tell. Like his voice was not surprising. saw an IMDb he's done a bunch of voice acting. He's done a bunch of voice acting. Like you would not expect this voice. just like so smooth and just enough. want to say tenor timber. Timber. No. I was talking about like, you know, like the tenors. okay. That's probably better. Yeah. So like not so Basie, but like,

Yeah. It was good. He did a good job. and then, my question is, are they all virgins? So it's weird that like, seems like they, I mean, of course we're only seeing one night in like each person's life, but it does kind of get the impression that they're not that passionately and being a virgin. Let's be honest. Other smooches are

Nick And Leslie (18:23.492)
There's no question that either one of them are dating other people at any point. I guess there's kind of the thing at the end. like, it doesn't make us think... I mean, guess in Hallmark movies, nobody has sex because they're all rated G. But it just... have to question, like, they're always available and single on Christmas. Yeah. This is interesting. Even though they live in different cities. Yeah, no cuffing seasons, I guess.

Yeah, I mean the movie is all about cuffing season, for one night. For one night. the roommate does get a boyfriend who ends up talking, so we thought he was going to be a background actor with no lines. And he finally starts talking during that night that they do their little thoughtful exchange gifts. Yeah, that was so cute. So it is fun that you get to see the roommates and the other characters, their lives also change. One of them moves to New York.

The two guys become a couple and then they move out and like he grows a mustache for three of those years and then loses the mustache. It's for one of the, it's like on year three he got it. was bad. It looked like Sharpie. But also at the same time, I'm sure, you know, they're like, people make hair decisions or facial hair decisions. Like they might start growing the beard and the beard's not for them. But year three, they had like the hottest kiss. The hottest kiss. Yeah. Hottest kiss. I mean,

Alice is very touchy to begin with. It's a bit too much touchy for me, but you know, people aren't touching, but you would not be touching me that much. I think it was year three when she did this and then this. Like she congratulated him by just grabbing his face. And I'm like, don't touch my face. But I like that she was genuinely happy for him. But. And she, I expected her to be like giving him shit about it being like him dressed as an elf.

And then was your three one actually sorry. This is when she also finds out that he's up for a role and the space. That's right. A huge movie, a huge Christmas movie. Exactly. And then all I kept thinking was she's so excited for him and is just the sweetest moment where they're trying to non-verbally clue each other. Figures out that, you because he hints that like, there's something that I've been auditioning for a few times and I have to leave for leave.

Nick And Leslie (20:45.112)
Christmas early to go finish the audition that always happens. And then she's like, yeah, I won't tell anyone. And then they're doing their Christmas gifts. where they have to guess the Christmas gift, who it came from. And she got something. And then that's when she realized that this is the movie he's auditioning for. And then so they escaped to a room and she like blurts it out is, are you auditioning for the, the space movie? Yeah. And he's like, you figured it out.

And like they're happy and then yes, they have a very hot kiss. then the sister walks in. And the sister walks in. She's in the background. like makes her face and then leaves. makes like the hilarious face. Like you know it's obviously they're acting. But it was hilarious. And like the way she backed out. Loved it. Fantastic. Those comedy moments in there. And then so year four, they come back. She's now, Alice is now working as the assistant director.

at the theater. the movie came out and they're waiting for reviews. Or sorry, the movie, I guess it hasn't come out yet, but it's coming out soon. They're waiting for the reviews at the party. Yeah. And they're very nervous. the catering company is hosting a party for the movie. Hosted by the parents though. Yeah. the catering company is owned by Max's sister.

So she's like doing this as a gift for him. I guess or with the parents The parents are hosting because they're happy about their child being recognized. Yes, so it was weird They're also clearly not fans of their parents. Yeah, the parents are very mean to their kids too. Because they wanted doctors not a caterer and an actor Yeah, and so I like that in this movie the parents are not know-it-alls. They're trying to figure out their own shit

which is usually not the case in Hallmark movies. Usually the parents are the know-it-alls who give wisdom to the kids. I didn't think that the parents never apologize for what... I didn't say they apologize. I just said they're not know-it-alls in this. But I think they are know-it-alls in this. I mean, sorry. They're not like the font of wisdom that you expect in a Hallmark movie. okay. They have their own problems they're trying to solve. Like the mom who keeps losing businesses.

Nick And Leslie (23:07.992)
Alice's mom. that parent. yeah, I'm sorry. I thought we were referencing Max's parents. Max's parents are also mean. Yes, they're not trying to resolve disappointed in their kids. Yes, okay, Yes, Alice's mom is very, is very gross. There is bad parenting. Yeah, there is still bad parenting in this, unfortunately, because it occurs. Yeah, so in this one, okay, so Alice is still working as a caterer, even though she's the assistant director, because it doesn't have the best pay, but she can still

pay for her own apartment, which is nice. She doesn't have room. It's a big apartment. Yeah. We have no idea where this is just somewhere in Canada. think I'm going to assume that they're in moose jaw. and filming location, even though they're going to New York and LA. Yeah. Okay. Yeah.

they're all Canadian. So this party is also gonna have Daphne Day who is his co-star in the movie and she's supposed to be this big actress and there's a whole bunch of will they won't they like are they possibly dating we don't know and so of course Alice sees them like close together and she's like they must be dating so she seems a little disappointed and then when she does like have a moment with Max she's like well

hope you and Daphne are happy." And he's like, no, no, we're not dating. When we started filming, people thought that we might be and we just didn't agree to it or deny it just because we thought it would help with the marketing. And again, I expected Alice to be like, what the hell is wrong with you? That's fucked up. But instead she's like, that is the most glamorous thing I've ever heard. I'm so excited for you. And it's genuine love and appreciation for each other's career. It is, yeah. And also,

Max calls out his parents for being rude to the staff, which was fantastic. Yeah, then Alice spills wine on Daphne, which was- On accident, on accident. Yeah, but it's still pretty fucked up. And their solution was to put on aprons and work the escalators. it fucked She tripped. She Sorry, I meant fucked up that Alice didn't seem more apologetic.

Nick And Leslie (25:20.182)
I thought she did. I thought she seemed apologetic to, mean, but yeah, her, her heart was kind of broken the second when she goes, my spare clothes are at Max's parents guest room. And that's when she was like, so like, she was just kind of taken aback, like, but I don't think it was. Well, my final note, which I don't even remember if this was in year five or year four, it is when.

I don't even remember who said it. One of them said to the other, you are Christmas to was mine too. That was a great one. Yes. You are Christmas to me. honestly can't remember who said it out to, I felt like she was saying.

thought it was she to him. But yeah, you are Christmas to me. And I'm like, and that's like Christmas for us.

you know, Christmas started, you know, being our own thing or the holiday season, cool kids, Christmas, also holiday season starts at my birthday. and then we just go for the rest of time. Cause it's a beginning of October, because we've made it our own thing, if we weren't together, Christmas would not be the same at all. It would be lame. Yeah. No one's doing it. Like we do it for us, each for each other. it is Christmas to me. Christmas. my holiday season.

I love you too. mean, you're my year round season. Anyway. don't know. wait, wait. Something else. That was really funny. That happened. something else relatable. Apparently, Alice made seem to cry, because she whispered this to him. yeah. Which I'm like the story, with her friends. She was telling the story about when she was a kid. sorry. They were playing this game.

Nick And Leslie (27:13.398)
where you draw a prompt out of a hat and the prompt is something Christmas related, a story you have to Yeah, because they're all drama kids. Yeah, yeah. And so her prompt was, what is the earliest thing you remember asking Santa for? yeah, what, yeah. And she told the story about how she asked Santa for something. She whispered it in his ear and then he started crying and he had to leave and the line got really long and she felt really guilty about it for making Santa cry. Yeah. And she's like, I don't know why I brought this up. This is a...

I'm unpacking some trauma here and like, well, now you have to tell us what it was. And she said, I asked him to give me some friends. friends. Yeah. And that's I don't know why Santa would cry over that, but bitch, what you talking about? For it like that's something that like as adults, we why say we me? know, we don't have a lot of friends. We don't have 10 friends, you know, like that tick tock like who would be the six people that carry your casket? I got zero.

my goodness. Right. like the thought of it, like, that's why we're, I mean, it's not our responsibility once we die. know exactly. Also cremation. no one's going to carry this, but either way, we're being donated to science. the city, have them pick me up and then donate me to science. No, they'll come and pick you up. but like, yeah, it is nice to have some.

close friends and also like I've been called thirsty by Nicholas for trying to trying to make a freaking friend anyway so anyone want to me? Shout out to Jodi and Ramon our neighbors. god I'm so sorry you have to put up with me. So yeah that was cute wished for friends and then my god the mom of Alice's mom

When she's like, I'm so proud of you. because Alex gets to be, she's the director, the final director, and then gets to be the director for the new Christmas Carol. But I think she's the director in general for the theater now. Yeah, she is. Yeah, and so. But she's excited that she gets to put on a full. Full on Christmas Carol. production of the indictment of capitalist version of A Christmas Carol.

Nick And Leslie (29:25.408)
Yes, and which everyone loves, fantastic. They say, I love the monologue when the ghost of Christmas future talks about global warming. yes. It was, my gosh, how perfect for our generation. Or was it also the impending extinction of the mistletoe? Yes, yes. Spot on, spot on writing. It was just, it was fantastic. But the mom out when she's like, I'm so proud of you and everything, like here, I want you to have these earrings.

They were your grandma's. She hated them. And Alice goes, my God, they're so beautiful. She hated them. And the mom goes, complicated woman, real force. I cannot say this scene to give it the justice that it needs. But it was very perfectly edited. We cracked up. I like how the mom, God, I forgot. The final theme of the movie was beautiful. The mom says,

I know where you've been because I've always been the same. I'm always focused on my career. I'm constantly doing all these things that prevents me from having like emotional connections with other people in my life because I'm just worried about my future. And eventually I realized that if I don't have anyone to celebrate my wins with, they're not as good. is better written. was beautiful. Yeah. And so then

When Alice and Max see each other again, Max says that to her. He's like, all these wins that I've had mean nothing if I'm not able to celebrate them with you. And she's like, it's the same. Let's have our wins together. Yeah. It was gorgeous. But I didn't figure out if she was moving to LA or if she was moving to New York or they're just going to try and do a long distance relationship. Because he made a comment about like...

just be with me to the end of the year. And I'm like, it's December 25th. That's only a few more days. Why not? So anyway, maybe we'll get a, hope we get a sequel next year of a beautiful Christmas that they have together. Although I feel like Hallmark probably didn't like this movie because they buried it in week two of the countdown to Christmas. on a Sunday, on a Sunday, cause I kept thinking, I'm like, do only good ones come out Saturday.

Nick And Leslie (31:46.168)
Nick, we both can't drink coffee at the same time. So anyways, that being said, this is definitely my favorite Hallmark movie thus far. It beats my Norwegian holiday. It beats Hall Out the Holly 2. This is groundbreaking. It is wonderful movie. Writing, I'm giving it a 7 out of 10.

Maybe I might push that to an eight now that we've been like, remember some of these lines. We will be rewatching this. Yeah. Before the end of season. Yeah. Eight out of 10. I'm going eight out of 10 for writing. I agree with that. I didn't put my notes here. OK. W equals eight acting. I'm giving it a seven out of 10. Seven out of 10. Well deserved. Well deserved. And directing because of those lovely transitions and keeping themes across these different years.

and being able to reuse sets and keep them like seasonally changed. I'm giving that also a seven out of 10. So this might not be in my top 10 movies of the year, all movies, not Hallmark movies, but might not be in my top 10, but it's probably gonna be in my top 20. Wow. Wow. This is so exciting. All right. Well, thanks for joining us and it's all downhill from here. don't say that. Well, have a happy and safe Halloween. Yeah. Eat all the candy, but don't get sick.

Don't get sick. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas.

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